
258 lines
8.5 KiB
Raw Blame History

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const { DateTime } = require('luxon')
const fs = require('fs').promises
const path = require('path')
const pluginRss = require('@11ty/eleventy-plugin-rss')
const pluginSyntaxHighlight = require('@11ty/eleventy-plugin-syntaxhighlight')
const pluginNavigation = require('@11ty/eleventy-navigation')
const markdownIt = require('markdown-it')
const markdownItAnchor = require('markdown-it-anchor')
const createHash = require('crypto').createHash
const pluginImage = require('@11ty/eleventy-img')
// Widths in pixels of responsive images to be generated
const IMAGE_SIZES = [300, 600, 900, 1200]
const dirs ={
input: '_src',
includes: '_includes',
data: '_data',
output: '_site',
module.exports = (eleventyConfig) => {
liveReload: false,
// Add plugins
// https://www.11ty.dev/docs/data-deep-merge/
// Alias `layout: post` to `layout: layouts/post.njk`
eleventyConfig.addLayoutAlias('post', 'layouts/post.njk')
eleventyConfig.addFilter('readableDate', dateObj =>
DateTime.fromJSDate(dateObj, {zone: 'utc'}).toFormat('dd LLL yyyy')
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/common-microsyntaxes.html#valid-date-string
eleventyConfig.addFilter('htmlDateString', (dateObj) =>
DateTime.fromJSDate(dateObj, {zone: 'utc'}).toFormat('yyyy-LL-dd')
// Get the first `n` elements of a collection.
eleventyConfig.addFilter('head', (array, n) =>
(n<0)? array.slice(n): array.slice(0, n)
// Sanitize out apostrophes
eleventyConfig.addFilter('noApostrophes', (str) =>
// Return the smallest number argument
eleventyConfig.addFilter('min', (...numbers) =>
Math.min.apply(null, numbers)
eleventyConfig.addFilter('toFixed', (num,digits) =>
num? num.toFixed(digits) : ''
eleventyConfig.addFilter('srintegrity', async (asset,bits=256) =>
`sha${String(bits)}-` +
.update(await fs.readFile(`${dirs.input}${asset}`))
eleventyConfig.addFilter('filterCatList', cats =>
// should match the list in categories.njk
(cats || []).filter(cat => ['all','nav','post','posts'].indexOf(cat) === -1)
eleventyConfig.addFilter('filterTagList', tags =>
// should match the list in tags.njk
(tags || []).filter(tag => ['all','nav','post','posts'].indexOf(tag) === -1)
eleventyConfig.addFilter('dimsToVol', (dims) => { return {
in3: Object.values(dims.in).reduce((a,c) => a*c, 1)
} } )
// Create an array of all tags
eleventyConfig.addCollection('tagList', function(collection) {
let tagSet = new Set()
collection.getAll().forEach(item => {
(item.data.tags || []).forEach(tag => tagSet.add(tag))
return [...tagSet];
// Markdown "md" filter for nunjucks
// https://github.com/11ty/eleventy/issues/658#issuecomment-599173643
const mdFilter = new markdownIt({html:true})
eleventyConfig.addPairedShortcode('md', (content) =>
mdFilter.render(content) )
// Override Browsersync defaults (used only with --serve)
callbacks: {
ready: function(err, browserSync) {
const content_404 = fs.readFileSync('_site/404.html')
browserSync.addMiddleware('*', (req, res) => {
// Provides the 404 content without redirect.
res.writeHead(404, {
'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' })
ui: false,
ghostMode: false,
// Optimized images
// https://www.11ty.dev/docs/plugins/image/#make-your-own-markup
eleventyConfig.addShortcode('image', async (src, alt) => {
const metadata = await pluginImage(`./_src${src}`, {
widths: [...IMAGE_SIZES, 'auto'],
formats: ['auto', 'webp', 'avif'],
// https://www.11ty.dev/docs/plugins/image/#custom-filenames
filenameFormat: (id, src, width, format) =>
// https://alexpeterhall.com/blog/2021/04/05/responsive-images-eleventy/#eleventy-configuration
urlPath: path.dirname(src),
outputDir: `_site/${path.dirname(src)}`,
const lowsrc = metadata.webp[0]
const highsrc = metadata.webp[metadata.webp.length - 1]
return `<a href="${src}"><picture>${Object.values(metadata).map(imageFormat =>
`\t<source type="${imageFormat[0].sourceType}" srcset="${imageFormat.map(entry => entry.srcset).join(', ')}" sizes="${IMAGE_SIZES.reverse().reduce((str,size) =>
`(max-width:${size}px) ${size}px, ${str}`,'100vw')}">`).join('')}<img src="${lowsrc.url}" width="${highsrc.width}" height="${highsrc.height}" alt="${alt}" decoding="async"></picture></a>`
// Video embed
eleventyConfig.addShortcode('vid', (src, autoplay=false) =>
`<video controls ${(autoplay)?'autoplay':''}width="100%"><source src="${src}" type="video/${src.split('.').pop()}">Embedded videos are not supported in this browser.</video>`
eleventyConfig.addShortcode('vidraw', (src) =>
`<video width="100%"><source src="${src}">Embedded videos are not supported in this browser.</video>`
// YouTube
eleventyConfig.addShortcode('yt', (shortcode) =>
`<iframe width="100%" height="500vh" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/${shortcode}" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>`
// Audio embed
eleventyConfig.addShortcode('audio', (src, fmt) =>
`<audio controls><source src="${src}" type="audio/${fmt}">Embedded audio is not supported in this browser.</audio>`
// iFrame
eleventyConfig.addShortcode('iframe', (url, height) =>
`<iframe width="100%" height="${height}" src="${url}"</iframe>`
// Customize Markdown library and settings:
eleventyConfig.setLibrary("md", markdownIt({
html: true,
breaks: true,
linkify: true,
}).use(markdownItAnchor, {
permalink: markdownItAnchor.permalink.headerLink(),
level: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
slugify: eleventyConfig.getFilter('slugify'),
tabIndex: false,
// Products and categories collections
eleventyConfig.addCollection('products', async (ca) =>
eleventyConfig.addCollection('featured', async (ca) =>
ca.getFilteredByTags('product', 'featured')
eleventyConfig.addCollection('computers', async (ca) =>
ca.getFilteredByTags('product', 'computer')
eleventyConfig.addCollection('desktops', async (ca) =>
ca.getFilteredByTags('product', 'computer', 'desktop')
eleventyConfig.addCollection('laptops', async (ca) =>
ca.getFilteredByTags('product', 'computer', 'laptop')
eleventyConfig.addCollection('all-in-ones', async (ca) =>
ca.getFilteredByTags('product', 'computer', 'all-in-one')
eleventyConfig.addCollection('phones', async (ca) =>
ca.getFilteredByTags('product', 'phone')
eleventyConfig.addCollection('routers', async (ca) =>
ca.getFilteredByTags('product', 'router')
eleventyConfig.addCollection('accessories', async (ca) =>
ca.getFilteredByTags('product', 'accessory')
return {
// Control which files Eleventy will process
// e.g.: *.md, *.njk, *.html, *.liquid
templateFormats: [
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// If your site deploys to a subdirectory, change `pathPrefix`.
// Dont worry about leading and trailing slashes, we normalize these.
// If you dont have a subdirectory, use '' or '/' (they do the same thing)
// This is only used for link URLs (it does not affect your file structure)
// Best paired with the `url` filter: https://www.11ty.dev/docs/filters/url/
// You can also pass this in on the command line using `--pathprefix`
// Optional (default is shown)
pathPrefix: '/',
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Pre-process *.md files with: (default: `liquid`)
markdownTemplateEngine: 'njk',
// Pre-process *.html files with: (default: `liquid`)
htmlTemplateEngine: 'njk',
// Opt-out of pre-processing global data JSON files: (default: `liquid`)
dataTemplateEngine: false,
// Set at top
dir: dirs,